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Bible Study Fellowships can be a Sunday School Class or a Small Group.

They use an intentional approach to help people grow in their faith.

They are designed to REACH People, TEACH People, & MINISTER to People

They provide Biblical teaching and proclaim the Gospel.

Matthew 4:23 is the basis of this approach.

The Bible

God's Word is inspired, inerrant, and authoritative.

God not only is revealed and reflected in creation, but He is also revealed with clarity and truth in the Bible. Bishop Branch Baptist Church strives to be Biblical in all that we do. We believe the Bible is the authoritative, inspired, and inerrant Word of God. The Bible tells us what we need to know about God and ourselves in order to experience reconciliation with God and a transformed life. 

The Word of God shapes our discipleship approach.


"And Jesus went throughout all Galilee..." Matthew 4:23

Great news needs to be shared!

When we discover something new, exciting, or life-changing, it is hard not to share it with others. The greatest news of all time is that God loves us even though we are not perfect. God loves us even though we are sinners. God loves us just the way we are, but He loves us so much that He won't leave us the way we are!

God offers freedom and forgiveness from the brokenness in our lives. He offers healing and reconciliation. Bible Fellowship Groups devote time each week to pray for the lost, learn about sharing the Gospel, or contributing to local and global missions.



"...teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom..." Matthew 4:23

Learning to Live What Christ Commanded

 Jesus loved us so much that He gave Himself up for us. This means that every command He gives us is based on this love. At Bishop Branch, we are dedicated to helping people grow in their walk with Christ. We use an intentional approach to help each other assess our spiritual maturity so that we can grow together.

Sunday Morning Bible Study Fellowships help people find transformation and growth through God's Word. There are various subjects and Bible Studies in use. Our goal is to connect every lesson in every class to the gospel every week.



"...and healing every disease and every affliction among the people..." Matthew 4:23

People Matter to God; People Matter to B3

Jesus met the needs of people and healed their brokenness. We are called to carry on this work. Ministry at B3 encompasses all of the ways we give and all of the ways we serve one another and our community. Every task in the Church is important and every person is important. Therefore, we strive to let the love of Christ both empower our ministry and flow through our ministry to others. Each week, the members of Bible Study Fellowships help each other navigate life's struggles and blessings.



We want to continually assess ourselves and our walk with Christ. Using Scripture, we can help one another assess our spiritual maturity and encourage each other toward growth.

 (Colossians 1:28-29)

Bible Study Fellowship Groups

Women's Class (Multi-Generational) at 9:00AM
Men's Group (55 yrs+) at 9:00AM
Men's Group (20 yrs+) at 9:00AM
Women's Group (60 yrs+) at 9:00AM
Couples Class (20 yrs+) at 9:00AM
Boys Youth (7th-12th Grade) at 9:00AM
Girls Youth (7th-12th Grade)  at 9:00AM
Children's Discipleship (0-6th Grade) at 9:00AM

Preschool Worship (0-5 Year Olds) at 10:30AM
Women's Class (40yrs+) at 5:00PM
Men's Group (55yrs+) at 5:00PM

Adult Group (Multi-Generational) at 6:30PM
College & Career Group at 6:06PM

Youth (7th-12th Grade) at 6:00PM
Children's Discipleship (0-6th Grade) at 6:15
Couple's Class (20yrs+)
at 6:15PM
Women's Class (20yrs+)
 at 6:15PM
Prayer Group at 6:30PM

Adult BSF
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