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As a church, we focus on Believing, Belonging, and Blessing. We know that what we believe changes how we live. So what do we believe and why do we believe it? 

The Gospel

Being a Christian means you have an actual relationship with Jesus Christ. When that relationship is in place, then you will want to live out that relationship in daily life, and this will include doing good things, and going to church, and helping others.

Basic Beliefs

What we believe truly changes how we live. Read about the bedrocks of our beliefs and how scripture ultimately guides what we do as a church.

7 Functions

The ideal church is described in Acts 1-2, and it functioned according to God's design. These Seven Functions are keys to a local church being Biblically healthy and growing. Churches that focus on these areas have greater impact on their community and world. 

Corporate Worship

Weekly Corporate Worship is pertinent to our faith and to the life of our church.

Weekly Schedule: Sundays at 10:30am

Watch Online: Bishop Branch Youtube

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