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The B3 Vision


Most Americans label themselves as Christians. Recent studies conducted by the Barna Group indicate, however, that most of these Americans do not hold to a Biblical understanding or expression of their faith. The trend suggests that many churches are having less impact on their community inside the church walls and this leads to less impact on the community outside the church walls. Eighty percent (80%) of South Carolina Churches are plateaued or declining.

Families and communities are stronger when the love of Christ infiltrates them. Christ commanded His Church to carry the great news of this love to the world around us. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) summarizes the mission of the Church. Making disciples is about sharing the Gospel with people and inviting them to receive the great gift of Christ's love for them. When Jesus invited some fishermen to be His disciples, He said, "Follow Me and I will make you become fishers of men" (Mark 1:17).


"Follow Me..."

Disciples follow Jesus because they have surrendered to the truth that He is Lord. He's the boss.

"...and I will make you become..."

Disciples are "becoming" something they were not before.  

"...fishers of men."

Disciples carry out the mission of Christ with hard work and obedience.

Bishop Branch is a Church dedicated to accomplishing this mission.

B3 Embarked on a New Vision in 2017



The first decade of this Vision is focused on making B3 a healthy and growing church. This will happen by focusing on seven key functions of a healthy church. These Seven Functions of Church Health are intentionally developed at B3 through our various ministries and operations. This first ten years will set the course for the next ten years.



We want to help the community by helping other congregations in need. In our second decade of this Vision, we want to help revitalize or plant at least three churches. These churches can be autonomous from B3. We simply want to help other churches be vibrant and have impact on their area in the community. This Vision is intended to multiply the Kingdom's impact locally and globally.



The process described above simply repeats both at B3 and the churches we help. The idea is to multiply healthy and growing churches that impact the community in ways that fits their specific contexts.

Carrying Out The Vision

The Bible shapes and directs our Vision at B3. 

We are intentional about reaching out to people and our community with the great news of Jesus.

Our Discipleship Process helps believers assess their walk with Christ and learn how to grow in their faith.

People matter to God and they matter to us. We want to walk through life together.

The Bible

God's Word is inspired, inerrant, and authoritative.

God not only is revealed and reflected in creation, but He is also revealed with clarity and truth in the Bible. Bishop Branch Baptist Church strives to be Biblical in all that we do. We believe the Bible is the authoritative, inspired, and inerrant Word of God. The Bible tells us what we need to know about God and ourselves in order to experience reconciliation with God and a transformed life. The Vision of B3 is based on the truths found in Scripture.

The Bible


Great news needs to be shared!

When we discover something new, exciting, or life-changing, it is hard not to share it with others. The greatest news of all time is that God loves us even though we are not perfect. God loves us even though we are sinners. God loves us just the way we are, but He loves us so much that He won't leave us the way we are!

God offers freedom and forgiveness from the brokenness in our lives. He offers healing and reconciliation. Bishop Branch is devoted to sharing this great news in our community and our world. Jesus went throughout His community sharing the good news of the Kingdom of God, so we do the same through intentional outreach, community events, and personal relationships.



Learning to Live What Christ Commanded

 Jesus loved us so much that He gave Himself up for us. This means that every command He gives us is based on this love. At Bishop Branch, we are dedicated to helping people grow in their walk with Christ. We use an intentional approach to help each other assess our spiritual maturity so that we can grow together.

Through Biblical preaching, Wednesday Night discipleship classes and our Sunday Morning Bible Study Fellowships, we want to help each other find transformation and growth.



People Matter to God; People Matter to B3

Jesus met the needs of people and healed their brokenness. We are called to carry on this work. Ministry at B3 encompasses all of the ways we give and all of the ways we serve one another and our community. Every task in the Church is important and every person is important. Therefore, we strive to let the love of Christ both empower our ministry and flow through our ministry to others.

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